...Complete Series

Collect all eleven items of a Series for 20,000.

Include matching wallpaper OR matching carpet for 25,000.

Include both matching wallpaper and carpet for 30,000.

You can't get the matching wallpaper and carpet bonus points unless you have

the complete Series.

The complete Series has to be in the same room.

You can't get multiple Complete Series bonuses for multiples of the same

complete Series.


...Complete Theme

There seems to be no Complete Theme Bonus.


...Complete Set

Collect all items of a Set for 1,000 x # of items.

The complete Set has to be in the same room.

You cannot get multiple Complete Set bonuses for multiples of the same

complete Set.


... seikatsuhitsujuhin or Daily Necessities

Collect a bed, chair, table, dresser, and wardrobe:

from the same Series for 5,000

from different Series for 2,500

The five items do not have to be in the same room.

You cannot get multiple Daily Necessities bonuses.


...Feng Shui Bonus

yellow, red, and green items, properly placed, for 300 x # of Color count

You can get multiple Feng Shui bonuses for multiples of the same item.


...Color Bonus

Collect a minimum number of items of the same designated Color.

There must be a minimum of 8 items total in the room.

Count both Colors of each item when trying to reach thresholds:

70% of room for 200 x # of total different items

90% of room for 600 x # of total different items

There is only one possible Color bonus per room.


...Interior Theme Bonus

Collect a minimum number of items of the same designated Interior Theme.

There must be a minimum of 8 items total in the room.


70% of room for 100 x # of total different items

90% of room for 300 x # of total different items

There is only one possible Interior Theme bonus per room.


...Category Bonus

Collect three items from the same Category for 200 x # of items.

...gakki or Musical Instruments (26 items)

...shokubutsu or Plants (41 furniture items; 45 flowers)

...bijuuhin or Art (57 furniture items)

...mokei or Models (15 furniture items; 20 miniature fossils)

...ningyou or Dolls (37 furniture items)


...Lucky Bonus

Collect any of the items designated Lucky for 7,777 x # of items.


Lucky items change depending on the month:

January February March April

------------- --------------- ---------------- ----------------

Mole Cricket Mole Cricket Common Butterfly Common Butterfly

Bagworm Bagworm Yellow Butterfly Yellow Butterfly

Dung Beetle Dung Beetle Tiger Butterfly Tiger Butterfly

Bitterling Bitterling Loach Loach

Pond Smelt Pond Smelt Blue Feather Blanca's Pic

Sea Butterfly Sea Butterfly Red Feather

Football Fish Football Fish Yellow Feather

Tuna Tuna White Feather

Chocolate Heart Pink Feather

Purple Feather

Rainbow Feather


May June July August

---------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------

Common Butterfly Brown Cicada Brown Cicada Brown Cicada

Yellow Butterfly Robust Cicada Robust Cicada Robust Cicada

Tiger Butterfly Black Cicada Black Cicada Black Cicada

Loach Walker Cicada Walker Cicada Walker Cicada

Pink Carnations Evening Cicada Evening Cicada Evening Cicada

Cicada Skin Cicada Skin Cicada Skin

Giant Snakehead Giant Snakehead Giant Snakehead

Sweetfish Sweetfish Sweetfish

Napoleonfish Napoleonfish Napoleonfish

Red Carnations Sparkler

Roman Candle

Embers Fireworks


September October November December

------------- ----------------- ---------------- -------------

Red Dragonfly Red Dragonfly Red Dragonfly Mole Cricket

Salmon Salmon Salmon Bagworm

King Salmon King Salmon King Salmon Dung Beetle

Wolf Mask Elegant Mushroom Bitterling

Ghost Helmet Rare Mushroom Pond Smelt

Skull Hat Sea Butterfly

Frankenstein Mask Football Fish

Dressing Tuna

Insect Helmet Santa Jacket

Santa Pants

Festive Hat

Santa Beard

Santa Boots


All Year


Blue New Year Hat Birthday Candle Birthday Hat

Red New Year Hat Birthday Cake Birthday Sunglasses

Yellow New Year Hat Birthday Table All 333 villager animal pics

Green New Year Hat Birthday Board


You cannot get multiple Lucky bonuses for multiples of the same item.



You can be assessed Penalty Points for certain "infractions:"

...items left on the floor for 1 x # of items


...items with inappropriate orientation for 100 x # of items

(storage devices, TVs, directly up against and facing a wall)